Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN ‘O’Connor vs. Bracero’ Results & Play-by-Play's live Premier Boxing Champions on NBCSN kicks off at 9 p.m. ET.
Ryan Kielczewski vs. Rafael Vazquez
Round 1
Arthur Mercante Jr. is our referee for this featherweight bout. Kielczweski begins the fight with a series of rapid-fire jabs, though they all fall short. Vazquez is very calm before he rips a left hook to the body. Kielczweski continues to paw with his jab, trying to find the right distance. Another short left hook to the body and then head but the head shot is mostly blocked. Lead right to the head by Vazquez before ducking under a lazy left hand, countering with another right. Nice 1-2 by Kielczweski with 35 seconds left, his best shot of the fight thus far. Lunging overhand right by Kielczweski, followed by a left to the body. Kielczweski lands a moderate right to the cheek at the bell to end an extremely close round. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 2
They trade some nice jabs early Kielczweski fires off a nice right/left to the head but Vazquez takes them well. Vazquez stings him with a stiff jab but his follow-up right just misses. Vazquez is throwing only one punch at a time while Kielczweski continues to paw with his jab. Vazquez digs two uppercuts to the body with a minute left but Kielczweski comes right back with a left and a right to the noggin. Kielczweski lands a jab and then a slick left/right as the Puerto Rican is statuesque neat the bell. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 3
Kielczweski rips a left hook to the body and then a double jab. Kielczweski is more assertive now as he’s slowly taking control of the fight. Vazquez is passive still, looking to land one big shot at a time. Kielczweski is warned for a low blow. Vazquez is not letting his hands go and he looks like he’s sleepwalking at the midway point. Kielczweski is moving in and out, side-to-side beautifully, popping him with jabs and right crosses. Vazquez finally wakes up and goes with a flurry when Kielczweski backs into the ropes, but “The Polish Prince” blocks most of the shots. Vazquez misses a left hook at the bell. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 4
Kielczweski continues where he left off; moving and jabbing. Vazquez pops him with a decent left hook but Kielczweski comes right back with a right/left. Vazquez is having difficulty in catching and timing Kielczweski as he simply walks after him. Kielczweski pops him a few more times with the jab. Vazquez dishes out a nice overhand right and then a left hook but Kielczweski takes it well. Vazquez misses three punches near the bell. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 5
Vazquez goes with his jab right away and then follows it up with a powerful right to the head. Kielczweski looks a little shaken by it, but he quickly clears his head. Vazquez is throwing more, going to the head and body. Kielczweski gets back to the jab to keep his foe off, but Vazquez is having much more success in the early goings. Hard overhand right by Kielczweski, but he can’t add anything to it. Kielczweski starts flicking out a pesky jab as Vazquez suddenly stops throwing again. Finally, a left hook by Vazquez and then a right. There is some swelling under Vazquez’ left eye. Close round. 10-9 Vazquez.Round 6
Kielczweski reels off a series of jabs early. Vazquez continues to plod forward with single punches. Nice flurry to the head followed by a vicious left hook to the body from Kielczweski. Vazquez stops throwing, allowing Kielczweski to continue his barrage of punches. Vazquez retaliates but his three hooks all miss. With a minute left, they trade some decent leather in the center of the ring, but nobody lands anything clean. Short uppercut on the inside from Kielczweski, which causes blood to flow from his foe’s nose. They stand and bang late and the skirmish is capped off by a sizzling overhand right at the bell. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 7
Vazquez jabs to the body twice to start the stanza. Kielczweski ducks under three successive overhand rights. Vazquez is pressing the issue now, fighting more assertive. He’s trying to make it a brawl as Kielczweski backs off. Nice combo to the body but Vazquez’ left hook misses. Nice exchange in the center of the ring, which is capped by a sweet left hook to the head by Kielczweski. Vazquez eats a right but counters with a right/left. Vazquez leaps in with a left hook but he just misses by an inch. Kielczweski is bouncing up and down, dropping his gloves. Vazquez stands there for a while before firing. Kielczweski makes him miss a few shots. Good action late but Vazquez got the better of the two. Another close round. 10-9 Vazquez.Round 8
Kielczweski comes out with the jab. Vazquez misses a few counter hooks before swallowing a few more jabs. Vazquez misses two monstrous left hooks and then pays the price with a combo. Vazquez backs up, possibly hurt. Kielczweski opens up and digs some fire to the body and Vazquez grimaces. The Puerto Rican backs into the ropes and covers up but Kielczweski is all over him. Vaszquez escapes out to his left and throws a combo, but he’s clearly in pain from the body shots. With a minute left, Vazquez looks recovered and comes after Kielczweski, who is now backing up. Terrifc back-and-forth action late, but Kielczweski is much quicker and his punches are sharper. Double left hook/left uppercut by Kielczweski just before the bell. 10-9 Kielczweski.Round 9
Kielczweski begins the round with a cut above his left eye but it’s unknown if it’s from a punch or a head butt. It’s now officially deemed to have come from a punch. Kielczweski reels off a series of jabs but Vazquez opens up with a flurry to the body and head. Good action and now the cut is bleeding quite a bit. Vazquez is looking desperate, winging shots from all angles. Suddenly, he stops throwing and allows Kielczweski to reset and regroup behind the jab. Two lead rights by Vazquez but they are glancing blows. The cut has worsened and it’s bleeding quite a bit now with a minute remaining. Kielczweski jabs again and again, slowly seizing back control. Vazquez needs to have a huge finish and here he comes. Hard right to the dome by Vazquez but the “Polish Prince” has a sturdy chin. 10-9 Vazquez.Round 10
For the first time in both men’s careers, they go into the 10th round. Vazquez’ corner is imploring him to basically go for broke. Kielczweski’s cut is under control in the corner but it’s in a lousy spot; right on the eyelid. The doctor checks Kielczweski, but he’s cleared to go on. Vazquez likely needs a knockout to win this thing. He comes right at Kielczweski and they go toe-to-toe briefly. Hard right uppercut by Kielczweski but a left hook from Kielczweski answers. They are forehead-to-forehead, trading blows in the proverbial phone booth. Kielczweski backs off and goes back to the jab. Vazquez is pressuring him but he’s not letting his hands go. Loopy left hook by Kielczweski misses but he’s just a little too far away for Vazquez to capitalize. With a minute left, Vazquez desperately needs to go for broke. Vazquez cracks him with a left hook and Kielczweski is hurt. He backs into a corner and ties him up. He’s still rocked but Vazquez can’t put him away. Kielczweski escapes out to his right and circles away. Vazquez doesn’t have the energy to chase after him and lets him off the hook. 10-9 Vazquez.The Official Result
Ryan Kielczweski def. Rafael Vazquez via Unanimous Decision (96-94, 97-93, 97-93) 3:00, R10Jonathan Guzman vs. Danny Aquino
Round 1
Aquino sticks a jab in the Dominican’s body. Guzman is very relaxed as he angles for position. Aquino misses a left/right but Guzman doesn’t counter him. Guzman just misses a left hook during an exchange. Aquino is pretty aggressive but he’s tagged by a short left hook. He takes it well, though. Aquino continues to come inside with his hands a-fly, but nothing from him lands cleanly yet. They trade blows late and a left hook wobbles Aquino with 15 seconds left. Good opening frame.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 2
Aquino again opens the round with a jab to the body. He continues to stick lefts into Guzman’s stomach but there isn’t much on them. Guzman is very patient, looking to counter. Aquino remains aggressive until a perfect left uppercut floors him. Aquino is up but in serious peril. Aquino stumbles into a neutral corner and Guzman is all over him with a hellacious onslaught. Guzman is reckless and winging shots from everywhere, but Aquino is hanging in there. After almost a minute of trying to finish him, Guzman backs off to reset. Hard left hook by Guzman with 30 seconds left buckles the Mexican’s knees again. He’s fighting back but a left to the jaw rocks his world and he’s down again. He beats the count and survives the round.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-7 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-7 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-7 Guzman
Round 3
Guzman is patient early as Aquino still comes right after him, trying to get his own game going. He still looks a little woozy, though. Guzman just misses a monster of a right and left. Nice right/left to the face by Aquino. Guzman is more active late, going to the head and body but his shots aren’t quite flush. Aquino continues to plug away, coming right after the powerful Dominican. Nice straight right by Guzman with 40 seconds left. Guzman just misses with a right/left at the bell.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 4
Guzman tags him with a decent left hook but Aquino takes it. Aquino continues to trudge forward, throwing shots from all angles. Straight right by Guzman wobbles his foe but his follow-up left hook misses. Aquino recovers and keeps on throwing. Dude is tough. Guzman remains in the pocket, looking to counter the wild Aquino. There is some swelling around Aquino’s right eye as Guzman nails him with the left a few more times late.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 5
Aquino is right in front of Guzman, trying to slug with him. Guzman misses a left hook that would’ve ended the fight, most likely. Aquino doubles up his left hook as Guzman backs away. Guzman sets the distance with a pawing jab. Guzman continues with the jab and then lands a nice right to the jaw, but his follow-up left hook misses by mere inches. Aquino pops him with an overhand right but Guzman walks through it. Lead right to the grill by Guzman just before the bell.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 6
This is the first time in Guzman’s career that he’s entered the sixth round. Aquino goes right to the jab to the stomach. Guzman is moving well behind his jab. Aquino continues to come right at his foe but his head movement is disallowing Guzman to nail him cleanly. Nice jab from Guzman. Again. Guzman is boxing beautifully now and Aquino can’t get close enough to him to land some shots. Nice left hook by Aquino with 25 seconds left, but Guzman counters with a right. Short left hook by Guzman late and Aquino is bleeding from the nose at the bell.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 7
Aquino storms out of his corner and comes right at Guzman, who is again moving back behind his jab. Lead right to the face by Aquino. Short check hook by Guzman but he’s tagged by a counter right cross. Aquino goes to the body with the left but Guzman is right there to follow suit. Aquino stumbles off-balance into a nice right cross and it rocks him, but he quickly regroups before Guzman can tear into him. Nice left hook by Guzman just before the bell.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 8
Aquino comes right after his foe, per the norm. Guzman backs away with his jab. Guzman has slowed down to throwing mostly one punch at a time when he’s not jabbing. Aquino lands a few decent shots to the belly. Aquino’s right eye is swelling much more now but he’s unfazed by it. Guzman lands a left hook on Aquino’s thigh right in front of the ref, but the third man says nothing. Aquino clips him with a right and then a left. Good round for Aquino but he still loses it.Sherdog Scores
Mike Sloan scores the round: 10-9 GuzmanJoseph Santoliquito scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Guzman
Round 9
They come together early and trade leather, but the fun stops when Guzman rips him with a right uppercut. Aquino quickly backs off before regrouping and coming right back after him. Aquino leads with a pair of left hooks but Guzman blocks them. Left hook/right uppercut to the body by Aquino. Guzman backs off and then nails him with a short right hand. Aquino is rocked badly and a follow-up right sends him in a heap onto his side. Aquino is in serious trouble as he staggers to his feet, but the ref stops the fight.The Official Result
Jonathan Guzman def. Danny Aquino via TKO (ref stoppage) 1:19, R9Danny O'Connor vs. Gabriel Bracero
Round 1
Veteran third man Arthur Mercante Jr. is our ref for this main event rematch. Bracero comes out with a left to the body and right upstairs. O’Connor sticks him with a few jabs. O’Connor jabs to the body and then is absolutely murdered by a perfect counter right hand. He falls flat onto his back, his head bounces off the canvas and he is completely out cold. Mercante immediately waives it off and summons the medical staff. Absolutely crushing knockout, one of the best of the entire year.O’Connor is still out cold. He’s not moving while the medics tend to him. They have a hard time getting his mouthpiece out. After about three minutes, he’s finally awake and slowly gets up and onto the stool. He has no clue what’s going on. He’s at least talking to the medics but his head is still spinning. Finally, he’s standing and laughing it off, asking what happened.
The Official Result
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