

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike ‘Fonfara vs. Cleverly’ Results & Play-by-Play

Sherdog.com's live Premier Boxing Champions coverage kicks off at 9 p.m. ET.

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WBA Junior Bantamweight Title Fight: Kohei Kono vs. Koki Kameda

Round 1

Kameda comes right out with a lead left to the head. Kono is moving side to side, pawing with his jab. Kameda stands still and allows the defending champion to flurry to the head and body. They tie each other up briefly. Kameda laces a left hook to the liver, but Kono counters him with a left to the head. Koki doubles up the jab but misses with his follow-up left. Kono lands a few decent jabs but there’s nothing behind them. Kameda digs two shots to the midsection late. Kono goes to the head and body late, but the output if blocked. Very close feel-out round. 10-9 Kono.

Round 2

Kameda lands a few southpaw jabs right away but the champ answers with a left to the body. After an exchange, Kono nails the challenger with a left hook. Kono is coming after his foe now and pops his head back with a lead right. It’s starting to get tense as the rivals are throwing much harder shots. Hard left hook by Kameda forces Kono to back into the ropes. A quick exchange of shots until they back away to reset. The ref warns Kono with a minute late for continuous holding. Kono is holding the right side of his body. He’s hurt. Kameda lands a few shots to the body and Kono drops to his knees. Referee Celestino Ruiz rules it low blows and is giving Kono a chance to regroup. He’s up after a short rest and as soon as the fight begins, Kameda is dropped by a short right hand. He’s up quickly and unhurt. 10-8 Kono.

Round 3

Sweeping right hook from the challenger begins the round and Kono stumbles into the corner. They trade a few wild blows until the clinch. Another low blow from Kameda and Ruiz takes a point. They dive into each other and swing for the fences, going toe-to-toe. Kameda backs off but Kono comes right after him with a few sharp right hands. They clinch, but their heads come together. Kameda complains to the referee about the clash of heads but Ruiz doesn’t call time and tells him to, “shut up!” The super flyweights go right after each other again. A shot to the body from Kameda, but Ruiz deducts another point, claiming it was a low blow. Kono tags his man with a left uppercut and then flurry to the body and head. The wild round finally ends. 10-7 Kono.

Round 4

Kono storms out of his corner and digs to the body. Kameda stands right in his face and tries to brawl back with his nemesis. Kono clips him with a lead right and the n a left to the body. Kameda ties him up briefly. Kameda seems reluctant to throw at the midway point, allowing Koo to get a decent flurry off. Triple jab-left hook to the body from the champ, but Kameda comes right back with a left uppercut to the head. Kono moves back and forth behind his jab, controlling the distance. They clinch a few times late whenever Kono gets close. 10-9 Kono.

Round 5

The challenger fires off a lead left and then a right to the body. Another left hook to the body from Kameda while Kono pecks away with shots to the head. Kameda cracks his rival with a sharp left uppercut just before he inadvertently slams his head into the champ’s face. They stand forehead-to-forehead and slam punches onto each other’s body. Kameda is relentless with his pressure midway, trying to make it a brawl. Three right uppercuts in a row by the champ, though they are all blocked. A stiff jab by Kono but he’s tagged by a loopy left hook. Kameda nails him with a sharp counter left hook with 30 seconds left but the champ brushes it off. Lead left to the face before he’s headlocked at the bell. 10-9 Kameda.

Round 6

Kono pops off a few jabs but it’s not before he swallows a lead left. Kono rips a few uppercuts into the challenger’s body, but Kameda storms right back with a left to the head and then one to the body. Decent back-and-forth action a minute in but Kono’s punches are sharper and more precise. Kameda backs into the ropes, which opens up a barrage of shots form the champ. Kameda returns the favor with a flurry of his own. A hard combo to the head and body by Kono, but a right to the groin forces Kameda to grimace. He hunches over, but Ruiz tells him to continue fighting. Kameda is hurt and Kono opens up another combo to the head and body. Kameda covers up but eats a few uppercuts again. They trade blows and Kameda lands two shots just after the bell. 10-9 Kono.

Round 7

Hard right hook to the body by Kameda starts the frame. They go into a wild exchange and then out of nowhere, Ruiz calls time and puts both men into separate neutral corners. Ruiz squats down to a ringside official, covers his microphone and then instructs both fighters to keep it clean. He tells both men that if there is one more foul, the fight will be stopped. The fighters finally get back to fighting and they trade some serious leather before Kono backs off. Kono lands a few nice jabs but Kameda slams a left hook to the head and body. With 50 seconds left, they trade hooks in the center of the ring. They clinch again, where Kameda lands a few dangerously close to being low. Kameda is cut around his right eye late. Kono unloads a furious barrage to the body and then to the head at the bell. 10-9 Kono.

Round 8

Kono reels off a few jabs and then a left to the body. Kameda storms back with a sizzling left to the head, which leads to a terse exchange. Kameda paws with his jab, but the champ unfurls a blistering flurry upstairs, Kameda blocks the attack and comes back with a left-right to the body. Nice jab-right uppercut by the champ at the midway point. They clinch a few times, where Kono deliberately presses down on the challenger’s head. He does it again and Ruiz issues a light warning. They tie up again and trade slugs to the body. Six straight rights to the head by the champ, but Kameda blocks most of them. They open up with a fiery exchange just before the bell. 10-9 Kono.

Round 9

Kono rattles off a series of pestering jabs but Kameda follows suit with similar punches. Kameda continues to stalk his foe, coming straight in. They clinch again and Kono grabs his foe’s arm and the pushing Kameda’ head down again. Ruiz stops the action and takes appoint away from the champ. Kameda comes after him and nails him with a massive left hook, staggering Kono back across the ring. He stays afloat somehow and is able to regroup before getting taken off his feet. They stand in a phone booth and trade some serious leather with a minute left. Hard right uppercut-left hook by the challenger late, but Kono takes them well. Another wild exchange and Kameda has slowly taken control of the action. 10-8 Kameda.

Round 10

They come together as soon as the round starts and Kameda complains of a low blow. Ruiz ignores it – correctly – and Kono comes right at his challenger. A nice exchange that leads to another low blow by Kameda, but Ruiz doesn’t see it. They trade blows on the inside, but Kono lands the better of the exchanges. Hard left by Kameda is countered by a right by the champ. They remain forehead-to-forehead, slugging away at each other. They continue to bang on the inside. Hard combo by Kameda to the head and body but the champ comes right back. Terrific back-and-forth action at the bell. Very close round. 10-9 Kameda.

Round 11

Kono fires off four straight rights to the head. A fifth. Kameda comes back with a left to the head and body. Kono is looking to end things now as his slams a series of rights to the body and then a left to the face. Kameda clinches and on the break, he’s nailed by a right upstairs. Kameda stumbles back but he quickly recovers. The left side of Kameda’s face is reddened, his eyes swelling up. Kono continues to throw punches from everywhere, but Kameda stands in the pocket, looking to ends things with single blows. They clinch again and Kameda falls to his knees, trying to get Ruiz to penalize the champ. Ruiz doesn’t take the bait and forces Kameda to get up. Kono comes right after his nemesis and digs a series of rights to Kameda’s gut. At the bell, Kameda’s left eye is swollen almost completely shut. 10-9 Kono.

Round 12

Kameda likely needs a knockout in order to win this one. Kameda charges right at his foe and engages in a toe-to-toe exchange. They both swing for the fences, looking to ends things now. Hard right to the head by the champ, forcing a clinch. More toe-to-toe action as Kameda is in desperation mode. Nice right to the head by the challenger, but Kono comes right back with a pair of rights upstairs. Three rights slam into Kameda, who storms back with a monster left hook and then a right from the challenger. Kono rifles a pair of rights to the stomach with 45 seconds left. Kameda needs a knockout now with 15 seconds left. Kono ties him up. Big left hook to the head by Kameda but the champ answers with a flurry. Terrific action at the bell. 10-9 Kono (116-108 Kono).

The Official Result

Kohei Kono def. Koki Kameda via Unanimous Decision (115-109, 116-108, 113-111) R12, 3:00

Andrzej Fonfara vs. Nathan Cleverly

Round 1

They storm out of their corners and trader some serious leather immediately. Fonfara is very aggressive with his jabs and right cross. Cleverly obliges, standing right in front of his opponent and swings away. They trade a pair of jabs before Cleverly digs a left hook to the liver. Hard left hook upstairs by the Welshman and it backs Fonfara up. Very good action at the midway point. Fonfara nails him with a loopy overhand right. Cleverly counters with a left hook and then they engage in a brief exchange. Fonfara pops him with a three-punch combo to the head and body. They aren’t holding anything back, swinging for the fences with every shot. Terrific action all the way through a round that is almost too close to call. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 2

The action picks up where it left off. Fonfara slams a nasty left to the liver before going upstairs with a flurry. Cleverly comes right back after him and they slug away in the center of the ring. Cleverly digs a left hook underneath and then an uppercut. Fonfara takes it and fires back a fuselage of blows. Cleverly goes back to the left uppercut before coming over the top. The Wales native digs few more lefts to the body but Fonfara storms back with another combo. Terrific action again with a minute left. Cleverly walks through a storm of blows in order to land his. It’s more toe-to-toe action late. This one is already brewing to become a classic. 10-9 Fonfara.

Round 3

The Pole quickly goes to the body with a left and then to the head. Cleverly returns the favor with a four-punch flurry. Cleverly goes to his jab several times to disrupt Fonfara’s rhythm but it’s short-lived as the local fighter makes it a brawl again. Hard left hook to the liver by Cleverly, but Andrzej takes it like a champ. They continues to brawl in a virtual phone booth, going toe-to-toe again. Cleverly slams several shots to the ribs before going up top. Fonfara answers with a blistering flurry in return. Fonfara tosses out a 10-punch combo to the head. Cleverly fires back after Fonfara resets but he digs to the body. 10-9 Fonfara.

Round 4

Fonfara rushes out like a tornado and unfurls a dozen unanswered blows, but Cleverly covers up for it all. Hard lead left hook to the head by the Welshman snaps Fonfara’s head back. A loopy overhand right by the former world champ, but Fonfara answers with three in return. A sizzling one-two to the noggin by Cleverly. Fonfara tags his foe with a right but he’s cracked by a counter left hook on the jaw. Fonfara might be hurt as he backs up, looking to reset. Cleverly nails him with a right behind a bolo punch but Fonfara answers with a barrage in return. Cleverly in unfazed and drills his rival with a hard left hook and then a right. They go toe-to-toe again at the bell. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 5

Nathan opens the frame with a stiff jab but Fonfara answers it with a several pesky shots to the face. Cleverly winds up another wild bolo punch to taunt his foe, but Fonfara ignores it. They exchange a series of short, compact uppercuts to the chin on the inside. A flurry to the head followed by another bolo punch from the Welshman. He does it again and Fonfara smiles before he tears into the U.K. fighter. It’s another sizzling exchange and then Fonfara does the bolo in return. Fonfara slices a pair of hooks to the guts and then follows them up with a powerful left hook upstairs. Cleverly storms back with a barrage of punches, only to get suckered into another wild toe-to-toe exchange. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 6

Like rams, they charge into each other and swing away. Nice overhand right to the ear by Fonfara, who pairs it with a left hook. Cleverly pops him with a series of jabs and then a left hook for good measure. Fonfara dips his head, but he walks into a trio of uppercuts. They trade hellacious blows back and forth a minute in. Fonfara goes to the body and then the head again and again, but Cleverly is right there to answer in tit for tat. They wage the war forehead-to-forehead, slugging away with reckless abandon. Fonfara backs off for a second but he comes right back in with a right to the body. Cleverly digs a left hook to the gut but Fonfara answers with a beautiful combo of uppercuts and hooks at the bell. Yet another round that could go either way. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 7

They take turns sticking stiff jabs into each other’s face. Fonfara is now backing up and circling to his left behind the jab. Cleverly stalks him as he unfurls a left hook to the jaw. Double left hook to the ribs by the Welshman. Fonfara stops throwing for a moment, allowing him foe to continue to slam shots to the body and head. Nice right to the ear by Fonfara, but Cleverly storms right back and slugs away. Fonfara cracks him with a pair of uppercuts on the inside. Fonfara is rallying strongly behind the uppercut and Cleverly is cut badly. It looks like the Welshman has a shattered nose as blood is pouring out of it. They go toe-to-toe yet again in what is shaping up to be a fight for the ages. With blood pouring out like a faucet, Cleverly slams an inhuman, furious assault to the head and body but Fonfara is right there to trade with him. 10-9 Fonfara.

Round 8

Fonfara charges out of his corner and slams a right hook onto his rival’s head. Cleaverly answers with a left hook and then a flurry from all angles. The Pole covers up, allowing Cleverly to unload an array of shots. Fonfara storms back with a left hook and then a pair of uppercuts. Cleverly presses the local fighter into a corner and digs a blistering combo to the body and then to the head. Cleverly’s left ear is now bleeding, but that nose is beginning to flow the blood again at the midway point. It’s terrific action again, both giving and taking as much as the other. Hard left hook-right cross form Fonfara and it backs Cleverly up. Cleverly drills his foe with a left hook and then a rifle of right hand through the guard. Fonfara stumbles briefly as he goes to the ropes. Fonfara comes alive and unfurls another vicious combo. Awesome action again and again. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 9

Fonfara comes out jabbing, but Cleverly tears into him with a blistering combo. Fonfara comes back with a right and left to the head. Cleverly goes back to the jab. Nice combo to the head by the Welshman and it backs Fonfara up. Triple left hook-right cross by the former champ, but the Pole blocks them all. Fonfara isn’t throwing as much as had been and it’s allowing his foe to seize control. Finally, fonfara races off the ropes and unloads an array of shots. Left hook-right to the body by the local fighter and Cleverly doubles over. He backs up to regroup and then fires a another combo downstairs. Right to the head by Nathan at the bell. 10-9 Cleverly.

Round 10

Referee Afu makes an appearance and has Cleverly’s nose examined just as the round starts. They resume the action and Fonfara unloads a barrage to the head. Cleverly returns the fire with a series of jabs and then a left hook to the liver. They go toe-to-toe again until they back off to regroup. Nice left uppercut by Nathan on the inside but Andrzej comes right back with a pair of his own. Fonfara moves off and to his left, but Cleverly chases him down with the jab and left hook. Right-left-right by Fonfara backs the U.K. fighter off. The action slows a little bit late in the round. A hard right by Cleverly elicits a grimace and smile from Fonfara at the bell. Very close round yet again. 10-9 Fonfara.

Round 11

Fonfara dives right into the fracas as soon as the frame starts, dragging Cleverly back into a trench war. They stand forehead-to-forehead and dig thudding uppercuts to the body. Fonfara slams a left hook to the head. Cleverly comes back with a three-punch combo upstairs. He Pole nails his foe with a hard right cross on the inside and cleverly backs off briefly. Fonfara drills him with a powerful one-two through the guard but Cleverly comes right back in and digs downstairs and up. Lead right, followed by a lunging right uppercut to the grill by Fonfara, who is landing the much harder punches now. 10-9 Fonfara.

Round 12

This fight is up for grabs entering the final round. A knockdown will be disastrous for either man if he falls. Cleverly’s broken nose a swollen mess to start the round. Fonfara goes with a nice one-two but Cleverly ducks under to get inside. Sizzling lead right to the face by the Pole. Fonfara is moving and jabbing well early on, keeping Cleverly away. Left hook to the head and body by Fonfara, who is controlling the final round. They stand in the phone booth again and let them fly a minute in. the crowd is fully behind Fonfara, who continues to stick that jab down Cleverly’s throat. Clevberly is trying to make it a war but Fonfara is backing off behind his jab. Scorching counter right cross by the local fighter but he is drilled by a massive right hook in return. Cleverly chases after him and goes with a triple left hook. Fonfara storms back with a one-two. Fonfara unloads a dozen straight punches upstairs as cleverly backs into the ropes to close out an unforgettable war. 10-9 Fonfara.

The Official Result

Andrzej Fonfara def. Nathan cCelverly via Unanimous Decision (115-113, 116-112, 116-112) R12, 3:00

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