

Sherdog.com’s Guide to the “Ultimate Fighter”

Last night I was forced out of my usual routine of reviewing The Ultimate Fighter. Normally I have a light meal of pasta, practice my yoga outside and wrap my body in saran wrap in anticipation for the show. This week, however, I had to rely on the TiVo to record the show since I was unable to be home in time due to prior commitments.

You see, about three months ago I promised this girl that I would go out with her and her friends for her birthday. I am a man of my word—if I say I’ll do something then I will do it. Lucky for her I enjoy birthday celebrations and hobbies and my hobby is hanging out with cute girls.

I’m glad I did go out because it afforded me the opportunity to discuss the show with people who aren’t really mixed martial arts fans. A couple of the guys that went out with us mentioned that they wished they were at home, watching “that UFC show.” I found out that these guys had become big fans and they were excited about ordering their first pay-per-view when Randy and Chuck fight in April.

Later, we entered a bar on Austin’s famed Sixth Street and they were showing The Ultimate Fighter on all of their big screens. I saw that all of the bouncers and bartenders were pretty much ignoring their clientele as they intently stared at Diego sparring.

Normally I avoid bouncers since my sensibilities and their penchant for hitting guys like me usually don’t mix too well. I asked a few of them if they were UFC fans and they said “not really.” They said that Mondays are usually slow so they’ve all gotten addicted to this new show and now they all want to see more.

Ratings and numbers are great and all, but it’s people learning to love the sport that will really make it flourish. And it sure seems to really be working.

Later as they prepared to toss me out into the street, I gave them Sherdog’s business card so they could order some DVDs online and get caught up.

Anyway let’s get to the show and find out what we’ve all wanted to know: Who is returning?

This episode picked up where we left off last week with Bobby Southworth fuming over his loss by decision. Dana White tries to discuss the loss with Southworth privately and is rebuffed. Southworth says he doesn’t need a pep talk and this upsets Dana so they go back and forth about who is disrespecting whom, until Dana calms him down a bit and they shake hands.

Southworth exits the show unceremoniously and Dana comments that Bobby is his own worst enemy.

The remaining contestants discuss the fight and who, in their eyes, won. Several feel that just because Stephan Bonnar pressed the fight, it doesn’t mean that he did the most damage.

Forrest Griffin continues to grow as the new most entertaining contestant with his smart comments and new hairstyles each week. This guy is giving Evan Tanner a real run for his money with his ever-changing looks. I’m half expecting him to have on a George Washington wig next week.

Now that Southworth is gone we finally learn about Nathan Quarry’s ankle. His injury will require surgery, which means he is off the show. Actually not completely off the show as Randy, Chuck and Dana all agree that Nathan should stay on as an assistant coach.

Since this show began I’m sure there have been grumblings that Randy plays favorites to his Team Quest guys. I can’t really bring myself to agree with that. The guy has been a competitor for years and with his maturity and honor I really doubt that he would allow for favoritism. But I will say that if you want to be on the next season of The Ultimate Fighter, you might want to go join Team Quest. They sure seem to get more opportunities than your average contestant.

Mr. Quarry is now given the power to choose a previous contestant to take his place since he can no longer compete. Nathan says that he wants to bring someone in that will be levelheaded, so it is no surprise that he brings in ever calm and collected … CHRIS LEBEN!

It was just two weeks ago that Chris was knocked off and poor Josh Koscheck has to be wondering what in the name of Kimbo Slice is going on.

Randy’s team welcomes Chris back with open arms and tells him that Josh has to be hating to see him again. Chris promises to put his head down and train hard and keep his usually rowdy behavior to a minimum.

Sam Hoger continues to be persona non grata with Team Liddell. Team Couture heads out for a morning run and Sam unwisely joins them, thus skipping a workout with Chuck and a day of sparring with Forrest. When he gets back he finds his team’s bad feelings for him have grown exponentially. Josh K is particularly perturbed and has a few choice words for Sam. Something like, “You are a *&!#*.”

It’s outdoor challenge time again and Ms. Willa Ford puts the teams to work on a race with heavy bags. It’s a two person event and Leben and Josh Rafferty are able to out-drag Koscheck and Kenny Florian to the finish line. This gives Team Couture the chance to pick their opponent for this week’s fight.

Team Couture discusses who should fight, and Rafferty is chosen, despite his efforts to talk his way out of the bout. Rafferty opts to take on Diego Sanchez, a bit of a shock since Sanchez is the middleweight submission master and a very tough opponent.

Rafferty explains that he wants to fight the best. But it’s the consensus of the other guys that Rafferty didn’t want to fight his friend, Florian, who was the obvious choice to most of Team Couture. If you’ll remember, Rafferty wasn’t too thrilled to have joined Team Couture a week ago and their opinions probably don’t matter too much to him anyway.

With the table set for these two to meet, back to the UFC training center we go as both prepare for their fight. Since Team Liddell is not too happy with Sam Hoger at the moment, they take this training time to try and give him a bit of an attitude adjustment—with their fists. Each member decides to go a little bit harder on him during the sparring. Chuck speaks to Hoger before the training session and airs out his grievances and Sam apologizes for missing out on his workout.

Now we are nearing fight day and Diego is preparing for the fight with some unconventional methods. He decides to have some ointment spread on his back and then he is wrapped with plastic wrap all around his upper body.

(This is actually an old method known as the “IHOP stuffed crepes” technique. I think it’s in a Matt Furey book or something.)

The next day is fight day and we find Diego outside doing his yoga in the parking lot. A thunderstorm is looming over the Las Vegas sky and Diego is channeling the power of the storm with his mystical movements.

It sure seems to work because when the fight starts he immediately puts Rafferty against the fence, reaches down and picks Josh’s left ankle and gets a nifty takedown. Within seconds he has the full mount and channels the storm by raining down bombs. Rafferty is forced to try and buck Diego off, but Diego’s base is just too good, he’s not going anywhere.

Rafferty is forced to absorb quite a few heavy blows. Diego is putting all he’s got into his punches and Rafferty’s only defense is to give up his back. Diego punches the back of Rafferty’s head and punches from underneath Josh’s “turtle” position until he breaks him down flat—the textbook position to employ the rear-naked choke.

He gets the quick choke and gets the win, solidifying himself as the man at middleweight. So far he’s fought twice and he made both fights look easy.

Next week will be a light heavyweight battle and Forrest looks to be up for the challenge. I’m not sure what I anticipate more, his fight or his hair.

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A.J. McKee