

Sherdog.com’s Guide to the Ultimate Fighter

Week two of The Ultimate Fighter begins like most episodes with a recap of last week's fight. Shonie Carter (Pictures) was able to out-hustle the younger Rich Clementi (Pictures) and put "Team Mojo" in control of this week's fight choice.

Shonie relied on one of his most notorious opponents, Matt Serra (Pictures), to help corner coach him to the victory. Matt deflects his affect on the outcome back to the talents of Shonie. After the fight Shonie thanks his team for their support.

UFC president Dana White explains that this season when the fighters lose they will remain in the house and workout with the teams. According to White this will allow for someone to step in seamlessly if injuries occur. So, Rich is welcomed back in the house and acts like a solider ready to get back in the fight.

Team Mojo decides to spend some quality time together around the fire and discuss strategy. After making the next match-up choice, Team Mojo's Shonie conks out on the couch. It seems he's left his journal lying on a very public table. The rest of Team Mojo finds the journal and sees that Shonie has written down all of their strategy of "who fights whom" in tournament bracket form.

They marvel that he would leave something so damning to their cause out in the open. (Seeing the brackets reminded me of the time I found two of my best friends playing with pro-wrestling toys. They had like 50 WWE action figures and a toy ring in the room. On a notebook they had written out page after page of tournament brackets and were having actual matches with the toys — and much like the WWE they had scripted out who would win. They were in their 20s at the time. I walked out of that room and thought long and hard about getting some new friends.)

Team Mojo, led by Serra, confronts Shonie about his journal. He apologizes for the mistake and life moves on. Team No Love's Charles McCarthy is bugging out whether or not he'll be picked to fight next. I'm not sure if he was just worried about cutting weight or worried that he'll have to fight. He fishes around with Team Mojo, asking to see if he'll be next up. Serra and the boys have fun with him by toying with his emotions.

I'm confused. Why go on the show if you don't want to try and tear through everyone in your weight class?

Anyway it's time for a training day and just like last year we got one team working hard and one team loafing. Team No Love decides that the best way to come back from a loss is to lie around and skip working out. Meanwhile, Team Mojo is doing the whole plyometric routine and working hard to stay focused.

Gee, wonder what this will result in? Trainer Georges St. Pierre (Pictures) complains about the laziness of Team No Love. (I love GSP and all but why doesn't he talk like Mike Myers, Jim Carey or Pamela Anderson? My man sounds like he's Napoleon or something.)

Later the two teams get together for the fight announcement. Charles McCarthy (Pictures)'s name is mentioned and he looks like he made mud in his pants. Shonie is kind enough to sing the announcement of Edwin Dewees (Pictures) from Team Mojo against Gideon Ray (Pictures) of Team No Love like Operaman.

Serra and the boys feel that Dewees' experience and ground skills will match up well with Gideon.

The best thing about this season is that they show highlights of each fighter’s previous UFC fights, which beats the hell out of watching Real World-esque antics in the house.

Gideon's two losses in the UFC are shown, one of which cost me some money at Mandalay Bay. I know what your thinking, "Dude why bet against Loiseau?" Well it's simple. For 20 bucks I could win like 140. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but then again a lot of things in Vegas seem like a good idea at the time. Luckily that was the only fight I lost on that night and I was able to pay for my whole trip just off the Tanner vs. Terrell alone. Gideon didn't fair as well as I remember vividly that he got the usual first-time-in-the-Octagon dirt pay and came home with a broken face. I remember wondering if his five grand covered the hospital trip. Yikes. His second UFC loss was a knockout served up by TUF alum Mike Swick (Pictures).

Moving on they also show some of Edwin's UFC losses. Much like Gideon versus Loiseau, Edwin's fight with Rich Franklin (Pictures) was a really bad idea. Franklin pounded on Edwin pretty good so both men have faced some really tough opponents in the Octagon — maybe a little too quickly.

Despite his UFC losses, Edwin has a pretty impressive amount of fights under his belt and has a big upside with youth on his side.

The fight is on.

Edwin comes in the Octagon a few inches taller but Gideon has the reach advantage. They dance around for a minute or so until Edwin puts Gideon on his back. Edwin looks to methodically pick his foe apart as he works to get Gideon against the fence to do some pounding. Gideon tries to fight Edwin off is unable to stop Dewees from transitioning from half-guard, full-mount, side-mount and then back into the half-mount.

Despite being in great positions, not much damage is handed down from Edwin. Gideon stays scrappy until he's caught in a triangle choke and the fight looks like it might be ended quickly. Instead Gideon reverses position and ends up in Edwin's guard. Gideon uses the last 30 seconds of the first round to pop off some hammer fists.

It's an interesting first round and after hearing Matt Serra (Pictures) yell out "Bam Bam" I realize that there aren’t any nicknames I could give Edwin that will beat that one. "Bam Bam" fits him well.

Back to round two. With both men on their feet it's obvious that Gideon is more comfortable. He throws some crisp punches and it looks like one might have stung Edwin. Edwin decides to go back to his game and tackles Gideon back against the fence. Edwin throws some elbows and punches from within Ray's guard but Gideon does a good job of fending them off and staying protected.

Gideon then throws a nasty elbow that opens a bad cut on Edwin's hairline and instantly blood comes pouring out. A lot of blood. It's apparent that it will have to be looked at and the fighters are separated and sent to neutral corners.

I really wasn't paying attention before but now I notice that Herb "I'll stop the fight if you sneeze" Dean is reffing the match. Luckily the doctor clears Edwin for action and they are put back in their previous position with Edwin back in Gideon's guard.

It doesn't take too long for the bleeding to start again and now it looks like a crime scene in there. Edwin stays focused and holds the cuts while burying his other arm in Gideon's neck. Soon enough Gideon is able to reverse positions and get on top. He digs his thumb in Edwin's neck and tries to get some shots in on the very bloody Dewees.

Dewees is so bloody that Carrie would be appalled. The guys get back on their feet and Gideon tries a spinning back fist, a sidekick and lets Edwin throw a kick of his own.

Edwin ends up on his back and Gideon falls into a triangle attempt. Edwin is unable to get Gideon's arm under his neck to complete the choke and the round ends.

Edwin seemed to be in the lead but in the second round he started to lose a little steam — maybe it was because someone threw a bucket of blood on his face and made it harder to concentrate. Not really sure. The judges pull out their scorecards and agree that a third act is needed.

Round three had Edwin back on top, bleeding all over Gideon's face. Edwin stayed in the dominant position and worked to keep it while Gideon tried to pretend he was getting blood in his eyes. With the last 30 seconds looming, Gideon is able to slip out, stand and rain some fury down on Edwin. But it was too little too late. Edwin is able to win a decision and the Octagon is left looking like Omaha beach in "Saving Private Ryan.”

Gideon put up a good fight despite not being able to mount too much offense. I'm not sure he'll be holding a title belt any time soon but he shouldn't go back to loading hotels with bibles either.

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A.J. McKee