

Sherdog.com’s Guide to the Ultimate Fighter

Last week Team Mojo made a pretty dang bad decision by throwing Scott Smith in against Team No Love's best ground fighter, Travis Lutter (Pictures).

As you might imagine, Travis took Scott down quick and once there, it was like Pavarotti vs. Hasselhoff in a tenor contest.

Scott was eliminated fast and several of the coaches and fighters were puzzled as to why Team Mojo would call out Lutter that way. There was speculation that de facto team leader Matt Serra (Pictures) was protecting his boy Pete Sell (Pictures). No matter the reason, Team No Love earned its first win and the right to make the next match-up.

Since Jeremy Jackson (Pictures) was removed from the last show for jumping the fence for a piece of strange, previous fight losers Pete Spratt (Pictures) and Rich Clementi (Pictures) are back in the running for a shot to fight again. Rich wants in bad and with Matt Serra (Pictures) claiming that he wants to fight it could be on between the two. Once Matt catches wind that Rich wants to fight it fires him up. He thinks Rich is the cockiest guy in the house and he wants to beat his ass.

Team No Love decides that the only fair way to decide who will come back will be a toss of the coin. Spratt draws heads while Rich Clementi (Pictures) is tales. Heads it is and Pete wins the toss but back at the house Pete tells Jorge and Rich that he might choose to let Rich fight instead.

I can't stand it … why do this? Since Matt Serra (Pictures) is begging to fight Pete figures that it will be another bad match-up for him. Pete states that Rich is a more rounded fighter and that he wants to put the best fighter in there because that's the kind of guy he is. WHAT? Why even be on this show if you aren't convinced that you can't whoop everybody? Are we seriously going to have another TUF season where guys aren't willing to fight? How many more question marks am I going to have to use in this paragraph?

Pete decides to mull it over and Rich even offers to pay him some cash to let him back in instead. I'm almost nauseous.

While Pete is deciding, Shonie Carter (Pictures) continues to piss off his housemates by acting silly as usual. He decides that he's going to build a float out of all the water bottles in the house. Yeah, that's right. He walks around the backyard with his signature blue almost-panties and one by one tosses 50 or so water bottles into the pool.

Supposedly Shonie's going to tie them together and prove that black people aren't scared of water. After all that nonsense he gives up and goes to bed, leaving the bottles there.

The next morning Clementi wants to soak his tired bones but finds all the bottles in the pool and is perturbed. He takes the time to "not be white trash" and throw all the bottles out of the pool. Rich and Jorge are both sick of Shonie's antics and voice their displeasure as words like "clownish" and "selfish" are thrown around. Basically Shonie's team doesn't care what he does while the other team wants to drown him. Team Mojo figures that the other team is still pissed that he won his fight.

Shonie claims to have life-long sleeping problems and decides to stay up to all hours playing pool, which results in him being loud and pissing everyone off. Mikey Burnett steps out and tells Shonie to knock if off and Shonie acts like a stupid baby and goes outside and once again tosses all the bottles in the pool. This makes me furious. I know it's a "who cares" scenario but it hits too close to home. You see, I moved out of a nice house in a nice neighborhood about a year ago because I wanted to get rid of all my worldly possessions and concentrate on my writing and pseudo entertainment career. In order to pull this off I left my steady well paying job and moved into an apartment with a Sri Lankan.

Our apartments are filled with nothing but college-aged kids, which is great when it's time to go to the pool. Nothing excites like seeing 20-year-old girls who are in “spring break South Padre” mode everyday of the week, but you also have to put up with some real BS. In fact, today when I went to leave for work I found a couch on top of my car.

You heard me.

Some smartass put a couch on mine and probably another dozen cars. I could explain to you why there were couches available but it would take too long. The bottom line is that while that prank might be a tad funny, the rest of the stupid crap that comes along with living by people who are just childish and don't care can be very annoying. Shonie reminds me of my dumb neighbors. They do whatever they want and get upset if you call them out on it.

In the end, Shonie finally puts the bottles in a trash bag and floats around like a dope while everyone laughs at him. So much for staying "incognegro," as he said he planned to do.

In what seems to be a growing trend, the fact that Matt Serra (Pictures) and Rich are scheming to fight each other, they aren't chosen to fight. Din Thomas (Pictures) is picked to fight scrappy and perpetually black-eyed Mikey Burnett. Din is still battling his staph infection and Team No Love plans on taking advantage of that by throwing the hard-hitting Burnett at him. Like I said, Mikey always has a black eye. He's just like the dog from the "Little Rascals.”

If you are fairly new to the UFC, you should know that Mikey Burnett has been around for a long, long time. He was part of the original Ken Shamrock (Pictures) Lion's Den crew and is a salty dog for sure. Din is no slouch however and Dana White even claims that Din is his pick to win at 170.

Instead of bagging on each other and claiming that this guy is going to destroy that guy, both men just talk about how much they want to get back in the Octagon and get a fight going. It's an interesting match-up since both guys are very tough and extremely well tooled.

Will Mikey be able to take advantage of Din's recent sickness or will Din's speed and athleticism take over? Well, let's just find out.

Mikey and Din dance around a bit before Burnett throws a punch or two and Din ducks down to take a shot. Din works for some positions from the guard while Mikey listens to his corner and tries to hold Din's arms down. After a minute or so of wiggling Mikey is able to pull out of the guard and get things back up.

Din throws the old one-two and the two hits Mikey flush in the nose, making “The Eastside Assassin” back up a step. It's a good punch and shows Din's admirable speed. Burnett goes to throw a combo of his own but once again Din ducks under for a takedown. Mikey sprawls out onto all fours and Din quickly goes to his back as he wraps Mikey up in a triangle. Mikey struggles but it's no use as the hold is too tight and Mikey is forced to tap.

Another quick fight decided by a difference in styles means that I'll hear all about how lame these quick fights have been. Indeed, the past couple of fights have been only a minute or two long, making them very anti-climactic.

It is pretty disappointing since going into this season most people were expecting some wars between these veterans. Hopefully the remaining contestants will give us some battles. What a shame it will be if when this experiment is over we yearn for the days of Kris Rotharmel and Danny Abaddi.

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A.J. McKee