

Sherdog.com’s TUF Guide

I really can't think of a cool way to set the scene so I'll just spill it. Yesterday was my birthday. Even though I've never given them grandchildren or even the smallest of reasons to be proud, my parents still like me. Since it was my birthday and there are ample golf courses in the area, ma convinced pa to fly down for a visit. Like any good Texans, they got off the plane and demanded Mexican food and baseball.

During the fourth inning, mom and I were splitting a funnel cake when a gust of wind blew about 10 grams of funnel cake sugar into our faces. Looking at all the white powder on my mom's face was right about the time that I realized I had completely lost track of the week and that The Ultimate Fighter would be on in just over an hour.

I excused myself from the ballpark and raced home, praying for light traffic. I made it home only a few minutes late and walked in to find Matt Wiman (Pictures) and Gabe Ruediger (Pictures) face to face on the screen. Figuring that I had missed something really good, I went to the computer to see if any of my buddies were online and watching the show.

One of the local sports talk shows is hosted by some MMA fans. They talk MMA quite a bit and one of their hosts just so happened to be logged in. I hit him up and with the wonder of TiVo he cued up the first five minutes for me. I would have had him just explain what I missed but he hadn't seen it yet either so he cranked up the volume and started to walk me through it.

Let me just say this. I don't know what is worse, the fact that Wiman and Ruediger now have a beef with each other that began with harsh words said during a massage session … or the fact that I had another grown man relay this news to me over the phone.

I probably should have gotten into my car and gone back to the game. Instead I watched another segment or two of Gabe and Matt jawing at each other. Depending on which editor you believe it seemed like Matt was trying to take the high road and squash things but Gabe's not having it.

Since these guys are teammates it only makes sense that B.J. Penn (Pictures) should be alerted. B.J. tries his best to talk his guys into stomaching each other for the sake of the team. B.J.'s embarrassed that he's having to baby sit these guys and I'm embarrassed for him.

This is one of those situations that's like when the HR chick in the office can't go to lunch with the rest of the group since the marketing chick is going to be there. It's not your problem and you don't give a damn but somehow you get dragged into it.

After that nonsense it was time to pick the next fight and since Jens Pulver (Pictures)'s team won, they get to choose their opponent. B.J. is very wily and instructs Robert Emerson (Pictures) to call out Cory Hill. For a moment it almost looks like Jens' boys will take the bait but instead of getting baited into a bad decision they pick the match-up they want when Manvel Gamberyian (Pictures) calls out Noah Thomas (Pictures).

Thomas boasts of having the experience with over 40 fights in the two years preceding the show. Manny on the other hand has been inactive for the same amount of time due to injury. Manny can however boast of being the cousin of the very dangerous Karo Parisyan (Pictures). Gamberyian says that he has the same fighting style as Karo, you know, the bloody murder style.

Back at the house the boys see some girls on horseback outside the compound walls. The guys holler for these girls to come around to the front yard to talk, but when the guys show up at the door they watch in horror as one of the horses slips on the slick pavement. The horse and rider hit the deck. The guys feel awful but with the house rules being what they are they can't just leave the front door until (presumably) a producer OK's them to step out to help. Once green lit, the guys find some rugs to lie down and gently coax the horse back up and on its way.

It's great when television tugs at the heartstrings and we haven't had anything like that on this show since Shonie Carter (Pictures) made his beaded hats.

You have to know that the Gabe-Matt saga isn't over and once again they are at each other's throats. B.J. calls for a team meeting and Matt mentions to Gabe that he doesn't want their feud to be the focus when this show finally airs. Of course Matt was right in that assumption since the feud is the backbone to this episode but something else made his words all the more poignant.

Matt came to the realization that acting like an ass on national television wouldn't do anything positive and when he vocalized those thoughts I hoped that the evil reality television beast would finally fall, like when you find out the secret was "love" all along and that kills the dragon.

Whatever, it didn't happen.

In fact things got worse as later Robert Emerson (Pictures) scrawled, "Team Pulver suck it" on the wall and that sets off a near riot amongst the guys. Apparently "suck it" is grounds for war. This stuff is so retarded I can't even bring myself to relive it. If you didn't see last night's episode I'm going to do you the favor of your life and skip over this crap. Let's get to the only thing that really matters, the fight.

These two guys step into the Octagon at the ripe age of 25 and despite being shorter, Manny looks to be a bigger lightweight. The two come together in the center and Manny feints a right hand. They separate and when they come together again this time Manny times it right and brings that right hand over and connects, causing Noah's legs to buckle.

Manny jumps on him and presses against the fence. Noah tries to work his arms in and Manny uses his strength to power toss Noah onto his back. Manny tries to explode out of Noah's guard and bring down big punches but Noah pushes him off with his legs.

Manny loads up from the standing position and swings wildly down onto Noah and is able to pass the guard and take his side.

Noah's corner yells for him to get his guard going again but Manny continues to smother him. Manny moves to put his knee on Noah's stomach and when Noah turns to push the knee off, Manny quickly moves a bit more north-south and gets a better look at Noah's arm. He immediately picks up the arm and torques it for the Kimura and Noah has to tap quickly.

Manny had complete control of the fight, seems to have been able to dust off the ring rust and looks fairly impressive. Our first two advancing members of the cast have gone through their opponents with ease.

In the teaser for next week we are led to believe that one of the feuds will get settled (let's hope) and that Gabe Ruediger (Pictures) will get a colonic to help shed some pounds. Hopefully while they are up there, they can get whatever else seems to be stuck up his ass.

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A.J. McKee