

UFC 208 ‘Holm vs. De Randamie’ Results: Play-by-Play & Updates

Sherdog.com's live UFC 208 (online betting) coverage kicks off Saturday at 7:30 p.m. ET.

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Ryan LaFlare vs. Roan Carneiro

Round 1

The southpaw LaFlare takes the center of the cage and, after 30 seconds or so, lands a thudding kick to Carneiro's midsection. Carneiro answers with a few leg kicks as he continues to circle the outside. LaFlare closes in again, lands the same body kick to Carneiro's right side. Another body kick connects, and this time LaFlare presses in to push Carneiro against the fence. They disengage after a few seconds, LaFlare closes the gap, but now Carneiro is waiting with a right hand. LaFlare grabs for a takedown but quickly abandons the shot. "Jucao" tries a takedown of his own and gets rolled to the ground by LaFlare with an underhook. Carneiro tries to shrimp inside and attack LaFlare's legs, but the New Yorker pushes down on Carneiro's head, and now both men come back to their feet. One minute left as LaFlare stifles another takedown attempt, but Carneiro digs an underhook and turns LaFlare against the wall. LaFlare separates after landing a pair of knees to the gut.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 LaFlare
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 LaFlare
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 LaFlare

Round 2

Just as he did in round one, LaFlare attacks Carneiro with heavy body kicks in the opening minute of the second frame. Carneiro slips to the ground at the base of the fence as he backpedals to avoid LaFlare's advance, and LaFlare follows him to the floor. The Brazilian slows LaFlare with closed guard, wrapping up the top man's left arm to limit space for ground-and-pound. The welterweights come back to their feet with 3:00 on the clock; 30 seconds later, LaFlare ducks under a hook and shoots a double. Carneiro threatens with a headlock as he defends the takedown, so LaFlare bails out and goes back to advancing. As he's backed up to the fence, Carneiro takes a left hand to the temple and slides to the ground. LaFlare gives chase again, trying to pound out his wounded opponent, but Carneiro gets a headlock from half-guard to slow things down again. LaFlare pops his head free and postures up briefly to land an elbow, but it's slow going here in the final minute. Referee Dan Miragliotta calls for action, then warns Carneiro for looping his toes in the chain-link fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 LaFlare
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 LaFlare
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 LaFlare

Round 3

LaFlare begins the final round with more pressure, moving Carneiro backward to the fence. LaFlare whiffs on a spinning back-kick but transitions straight into an effortless double-leg takedown. Unable to establish an advantageous position on the mat, LaFlare backs up and the welterweights come back to their feet. LaFlare is keeping things tighter in this round, giving Carneiro very little space on the fence and now coming back to clinch with just over half the round remaining. Carneiro pushes back to the center, where LaFlare jams a left hand in the jiu-jitsu black belt's face. Carneiro moves backward again, waits for a knee strike from LaFlare and grabs hold of the leg. LaFlare gets pushed backward to the fence but reverses the position. It's "Jucao" who wins out in the clinch, tripping LaFlare to the ground, but now LaFlare works on a kimura from the bottom. Carneiro frees his arm with just about one minute left, now working from LaFlare's half guard. Carneiro is looking for an arm-triangle choke, wraps up LaFlare's head and left arm, then steps over to full mount. LaFlare resists the choke and deflects Carneiro's last-ditch ground-and-pound until the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Carneiro (29-27 LaFlare)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 LaFlare (30-26 LaFlare)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 LaFlare (30-27 LaFlare)

The Official Result

Ryan LaFlare def. Roan Carneiro via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Rick Glenn vs. Phillipe Nover

Round 1

Nover swings wide punches over the top and clips the rangy southpaw Glenn, who moves forward and tries to land long punches. Nover scores with a body kick-left hand combo, and a few seconds later lands a left high kick to the side of Glenn's head. Glenn absorbs the kick and strikes back with a short, hard left hand before Nover gets out of the pocket. More circling on the feet through the middle of the round, Glenn looking to close the gap but running into some counter hooks from the shorter man. Nover goes upstairs with the left high kick again, and once again Glenn just eats it. Glenn catches a kick and forces Nover to yank the leg back, then sprint away to avoid being countered. Glenn looks for a late takedown but can only corral Nover against the fence.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Nover
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nover
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Nover

Round 2

Nover lines up southpaw at the start of round two but continues to lob left high kicks at Glenn's head. Back to orthodox goes Nover as Glenn tries to pressure forward; Nover's counter left hook has already landed a few times in the first minute of the round. Glenn sprawls well on a poor shot from Nover, then continues pressuring the UFC vet backward to the fence. Glenn spends the better part of a minute hunting for a takedown, repeatedly switching levels. Nover defends well with his back on the wall, now takes an opportunity to fire a few knees at the leaning Glenn's head. Nover is scoring with short punches in the clinch, too, while Glenn's hands are tied up. The featherweights split with one minute on the clock; Glenn goes under a left high kick and comes back with a flush left hand to Nover's jaw. Glenn puts Nover back on the fence and lands a pair of knees in the Thai clinch; Nover answers with a standing elbow as time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Glenn
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Glenn

Round 3

Nover snaps off two or three solid jabs in the first minute of the final round, while Glenn works his opponent's lead leg with kicks. Two more stiff jabs connect for Nover, who has a high kick caught by Glenn, but he whirls around to hit "The Gladiator" with a fadeaway spinning backfist. Glenn closes in to press Nover against the fence with an underhook, then drops to try a single-leg shot. As he did in round two, Nover is getting the better of this position, landing strikes to the side of Glenn's head while Glenn is focused on a takedown which doesn't materialize. Referee Yves Lavigne separates the fighters inside the two-minute mark, but Glenn soon goes for another takedown. Nover extracts himself from the position this time, popping Glenn with another jab on the way out. Glenn's face is red from the punches, and now he absorbs another left hook, a right straight. Back to the clinch they go, Glenn on the outside again, now stomping on Nover's feet. Nover gets tripped to the ground but gets right back up; Glenn holds him on the cage and gets the final word with a pair of slashing elbows in the Thai clinch.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Glenn (29-28 Glenn)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Nover (29-28 Nover)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Glenn (29-28 Glenn)

The Official Result

Rick Glenn def. Phillipe Nover via Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) R3 5:00

Nik Lentz vs. Islam Makhachev

Round 1

Lentz latches on to an early kick from Makhachev and tries to hustle the sambo specialist against the fence, but Makhachev quickly spins him around and then trips him to the floor. Lentz grabs a no-arm headlock but can't cinch the guillotine as Makhachev repositions in half guard and pops his head loose. Lentz uses butterfly guard to elevate, but before he can get up, Makhachev dives back on top to keep the American grounded. Heavy top pressure from Makhachev here as the lightweights hit the midway point of round one. Lentz is shifting and trying to pivot underneath but can't seem to get anything going. Makhachev postures up to land a few punches, gets kicked away again, and this time Lentz is able to jump back to his feet. It's only a matter of seconds before Makhachev hits another trip and has Lentz down at the base of the fence again. Lentz goes fishing for the guillotine again in the final 30 seconds; Makhachev is caught in the headlock but does not seem to be in trouble, and he rides out the remainder of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Makhachev

Round 2

Makhachev has a left high kick blocked, then goes to the chest of Lentz with a front kick up the center. Lentz answers with a body kick of his own but takes a pair of punches from Makhachev on the counter. Another left high kick from Makhachev buzzes Lentz's head; when Lentz tries to swing punches in return, Makhachev backpedals, stops and wraps up the incoming American in the clinch. Another trip lands for Makhachev, who has Lentz back on the ground with more than three and a half minutes left in the round. Lentz uses butterfly hooks to elevate but can't escape from underneath Makhachev, who's bearing down heavy on top with a shoulder pressed against Lentz's throat. Lentz tries the guillotine again but releases as Makhachev nearly steps over to full mount. Leaning left to right across Lentz's body, Makhachev looks to be framing up an arm-triangle choke. Makhachev steps off to side control, but he's on the wrong side to finish the choke, so he tries to work a shoulder choke instead. Makhachev steps over to full mount with 25 seconds left; Lentz goes belly-down and then rolls to a knee, not allowing Makhachev to land anything in the closing moments.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Makhachev
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Makhachev

Round 3

Lentz comes out aggressive, swinging at Makhachev with power punches and spinning backfists, but it's a body kick from Makhachev that appears to do the first real damage of the round. Lentz wraps up the Russian with a body lock and hugs him against the fence; Makhachev hits a lovely trip and puts Lentz on his back once again. Lentz still appears to be looking for the guillotine from underneath, but it's not there so far in this round. Makhachev works for a quick armlock, gives it up and instead drops short elbows and punches on Lentz's face. Lentz tries to sit up, gets stuffed back down and mounted. Lentz gives up his back, leading to heavier punches from Makhachev, thudding left hands that have referee Kevin MacDonald taking a closer look at the action. Makhachev switches to a rear-naked choke, but Lentz peels away one of his hooks and escapes the choke, then jumps to his feet. Lentz tries to hold Makhachev on the wall in the final seconds, but Makhachev trips him to the ground one last time.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Makhachev (30-26 Makhachev)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Makhachev (30-26 Makhachev)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Makhachev (30-26 Makhachev)

The Official Result

Islam Makhachev def. Nik Lentz via Unanimous Decision (30-25, 30-25, 30-27) R3 5:00

Wilson Reis vs. Ulka Sasaki

Round 1

Sasaki opens with a body kick but gets tagged over the top with Reis' right-handed counter. Reis level-changes beautifully and executes a quick takedown, but Sasaki threatens with a kimura from the bottom to work back to his feet. Sasaki lands a jab and sticks out his tongue at Reis, who grabs for a leg but can't take down "Ulka" this time. The long right hand of Sasaki continues to connect with Reis' face until midway through the round, when the Brazilian dives for and completes another double-leg takedown at the fence. Sasaki tries the kimura sweep again, but this time Reis threatens with an arm-triangle choke and stays on top. Reis postures up in half guard and slams Sasaki's face with some short elbow strikes. Referee Dan Miragliotta warns Sasaki for lacing his toes in the fence, and now Sasaki closes his guard around Reis with 80 seconds left. Sasaki absorbs some short punches before kicking Reis away and jumping to his feet, but Reis comes back to hold Sasaki against the fence until the end of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Reis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reis
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Reis

Round 2

Reis opens with a few low kicks before changing levels and spinning Sasaki to the ground once again. The flyweights are in the center of the cage, Reis posturing up to pass guard, now stepping over to full mount. Sasaki gives up his back, and Reis quickly establishes both hooks. Sasaki peels away one hook, rolls over to take top position, but now both men spring back up. Sasaki tries a double-leg and gets stonewalled by Reis, who forces Sasaki back to the canvas at the halfway point of the round. Sasaki gives up his back again, and this time he's unable to pry away Reis' hooks. Reis tries a neck crank, can't get it and switches to an arm-triangle choke, but there's nothing there either. Instead, Reis reattaches himself to Sasaki's back with a body triangle and goes for the neck crank again. Sasaki won't tap and once again manages to peel Reis' arms away from his face. Sasaki escapes to his feet with 20 seconds on the clock, but Reis takes him down again almost immediately, and the Brazilian finishes the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Reis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reis
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Reis

Round 3

Reis is the aggressor as the final round begins, pressuring Sasaki backward to the fence, landing a few low kicks before moving in for the clinch. Sasaki denies a double-leg and pushes Reis away. Reis takes a jab to the grill, swings back and turns Sasaki's head with a whipping overhand right. Seconds later, Reis shoots inside and pushes Sasaki to the fence with a single-leg, now switches to a double and completes the takedown. Sasaki stands up, nearly surrendering his back in the process, and now circles away with two minutes remaining. Reis bobs and weaves for 30 seconds, then ducks under a right hand and plows Sasaki back to the ground. Reis tries back-mount, but Sasaki slips out the back door and takes Reis' back in the transition. Sasaki wraps up a body triangle from the back and goes searching for a rear-naked choke with under one minute remaining. Sasaki drops elbows, now left hands on the side of Reis' head. Reis is concerned only with wrist control, keeping himself out of choke danger until the final horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Sasaki (29-28 Reis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Reis (30-27 Reis)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Reis (30-27 Reis)

The Official Result

Wilson Reis def. Yuta Sasaki via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

Randy Brown vs. Belal Muhammad

Round 1

Muhammad uses low kicks to advance on the taller Brown, who snaps off long jabs which redden Muhammad's nose in the early going. Muhammad keeps the leg kicks coming, now picks off a right hand from Brown with a short inside left. Brown forces Muhammad backward with a stiff jab, and both men miss as they load up on power punches. Muhammad's kicks continue to be the most effective strikes in the round, with one shot nearly buckling the leg of Brown as he backs up near the fence. Muhammad presses forward and digs into Brown's body with a left hand before slamming his lead leg with another kick.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Muhammad

Round 2

Muhammad opens round two with yet another low kick, then another, but his forward momentum is slowed when Brown narrowly misses with a front kick up the middle. Muhammad throws another low kick, now with an overhand right behind it, and he closes in to press Brown against the fence. Moving to a rear waistlock, Muhammad tries to lift and slam Brown, but "Rude Boy" slips free and circles away. Brown opens a cut underneath Muhammad's right eye with a punch; seconds later, Muhammad appears to catch a finger to the eye, but it goes unnoticed by referee Yves Lavigne, who has been warning Brown to keep his hands closed. Muhammad brings the fight back to the fence, jamming Brown against a post with head-and-arm control. Brown underhooks and escapes when Muhammad tries to drop for a double, now circles away. Muhammad complains of another eye poke to the ref, but again Lavigne takes no action. Brown blocks a head kick at the 70-second mark; Muhammad ducks under Brown's counterpunch and runs him to the ground near the fence. Muhammad jumps on the kneeling Brown's back and establishes both hooks, now tries to soften up Brown with punches. Brown is using two-on-one wrist control to fend off the rear-naked choke, but it leaves his face open for Muhammad's left hands.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Muhammad
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Muhammad

Round 3

Brown jabs and kicks his way forward on Muhammad, but one of his front kicks lands to the cup. Referee Lavigne asks if Muhammad is OK, and Muhammad gives a thumbs-up to indicate he's good to keep fighting. A few seconds later, Muhammad shoots for a takedown up against the fence, pulls Brown's legs out from under him and takes him down again. Brown throws up a triangle, switches to an armbar attempt but can't get a grip on Muhammad's inside arm. Muhammad tries to punch through Brown's guard, but the longer man is making things difficult from the bottom. Muhammad jumps on Brown's back as Brown tries to stand, now with less than two minutes left to fight. Brown buries his chin, then rolls to his side, while Muhammad peppers his body with punches. Brown spins around and suddenly winds up on top with 15 seconds left. He stands over Muhammad and tries to punch out a late finish, but he runs out of time.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Muhammad (30-27 Muhammad)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Muhammad (30-27 Muhammad)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Muhammad (30-27 Muhammad)

The Official Result

Belal Muhammad def. Randy Brown via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00

Dustin Poirier vs. Jim Miller

Round 1

Miller backs up Poirier with a leg kick-hook combination during a tense opening minute to this lightweight affair. Poirier is scoring with leg kicks, too, and now doubles up his jab in Miller's face. Poirier ducks a left, comes back up and hits Miller with a counter left hook. Miller shoots for the first time and gets stood up against the fence by Poirier, who lands knees to the body in the clinch. Poirier breaks away from the clinch with an uppercut-right hook that leaves Miller blinking. Miller catches a low kick and fires a counter left down the center, forcing Poirier to backpedal. Miller walks him backward to the fence with a body punch, but Poirier pushes back with a stiff jab. Now it's Poirier catching a kick and tripping Miller to the ground, but Miller springs back up, drives on Poirier's legs and takes him down in return. Miller immediately transitions on to Poirier's back and sinks in both hooks, now goes working for a rear-naked choke with 30 seconds left. Poirier spins around and takes top position, then slings big punches as Miller powers back to his feet. It's a firefight in the pocket for the final 10 seconds, with Poirier appearing to land the cleaner shots.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Poirier

Round 2

Miller twice nearly takes out the lead leg of Poirier with kicks in the first minute of round two. From his back foot, Miller finds his range with a few hard counters on the incoming Poirier. The Louisiana native sticks a hard jab, then swats Miller with a few harder punches, and now Miller goes shooting for a takedown. Poirier shoves him away, backs up a few steps and attacks with more punches. Miller is having a hard time getting his back off the fence as Poirier keeps the pressure on, now two minutes into the round. Poirier starts slinging heavy punches in close quarters, and while Miller is swinging back with counters, "The Diamond" is landing the cleaner strikes in each exchange. Miller digs in with a hard right hand to the body, now a left kick to Poirier's ribs. Poirier keeps coming, slamming Miller with a heavy left hand in the middle of a five-punch combination. The bloodied Miller shoots for a takedown, winds up pushing Poirier against the wall, while Poirier lands elbows to the side of the head as he defends. Poirier reverses the position and hits a takedown with 65 seconds left in the frame. Poirier backs up and allows Miller to stand; both men swing big punches, but neither is landing many clean strikes here. They trade knees to the body in the clinch, and a long right hand from Poirier backs up Miller at the horn.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Poirier
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Poirier

Round 3

Miller continues to land solid leg kicks at the start of the round, and after nearly going down a few times, Poirier's right leg finally buckles. Poirier gets up before Miller can capitalize, but "The Diamond" is switching between stances now, clearly wary of Miller's low kicks. Miller winds up for a big kick, but this one is checked by Poirier, and now Poirier closes the distance to back up Miller to the wall. Poirier catches a kick and trips Miller to the ground at the foot of the fence. Poirier comes down to kneel in Miller's guard; Miller tries rubber guard, then switches to butterfly, finally sitting up against the cage to attack Poirier's neck. Poirier pops his head free, fending off a further triangle attempt from Miller as they're jammed up against the fence. Down to the final 90 seconds now, Miller posts and powers back to his feet, then drives forward on a single-leg to put Poirier's back against the fence. Poirier denies the shot, switches to a single of his own and plants Miller back on the mat with about 30 seconds left. Miller throws up a kimura from the bottom but can't wrench Poirier's arm free before time expires.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-28 Poirier)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-28 Poirier)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Miller (29-27 Poirier)

The Official Result

Dustin Poirier def. Jim Miller via Majority Decision (30-27, 29-28, 28-28) R3 5:00

Glover Teixeira vs. Jared Cannonier

Round 1

Teixeira chases Cannonier around the cage in the opening minute, then shoots a high single-leg and easily floors the Alaskan in the center of the cage. Cannonier holds Teixeira in butterfly guard and tries to create space by scooting backward, but the Brazilian is heavy on top and pins down Cannonier from half guard. Cannonier sits up, gets his neck wrapped up, then has to fight off a guillotine choke as Teixeira drops guard. Teixeira wrenches the choke for a few seconds before releasing and moving back to top position. Teixeira frames up an arm-triangle choke, but Cannonier breaks the grip and continues to hold Teixeira in half guard. Teixeira passes to full mount with 40 seconds left and begins dropping punches, but Cannonier reclaims half guard after a few seconds. Cannonier scoots backward to the fence and stands with 15 ticks left, and he attacks Teixeira's body with a knee in the clinch. A left hand from Cannonier in the closing seconds appears to put Teixeira on unsteady legs.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Teixeira

Round 2

Another slow-starting round gets going when Teixeira hits a takedown in the center of the cage, landing him on top in Cannonier's half guard. The Brazilian sneaks through a few punches and elbows, but Cannonier is keeping things close and slowing the pace from the bottom. Teixeira continues to grind away from top position until the 1:40 mark, when referee Kevin MacDonald orders the fighters back to their feet. Cannonier backs up Teixeira with a straight right hand, but soon it's the Brazilian pressing forward again. The best punches of the round come in the final 10 seconds, with Teixeira landing an overhand right to the jaw and a hard left to the body of Cannonier.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Teixeira
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Teixeira

Round 3

Teixeira moves quicker to take down Cannonier at the start of round three, once again planting the Alaskan in the center of the cage. Teixeira lands short punches from half guard for the better part of a minute, but it's Cannonier who draws blood with an elbow from the bottom. Teixeira passes to full mount, then back-mount as Cannonier rolls over to his stomach. Cannonier flips over again, leaving Teixeira in full mount with just over two minutes to go. Cannonier bucks and escapes full mount, pushing Teixeira back to half guard, but Teixeira is back in mount with 90 seconds remaining, this time further away from the wall. Cannonier wraps up from the bottom, avoiding any serious damage down the stretch. Cannonier escapes mount and rolls to his knees, then gets back to his feet just before time runs out.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Teixeira (30-26 Teixeira)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-8 Teixeira (30-26 Teixeira)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-8 Teixeira (30-26 Teixeira)

The Official Result

Glover Teixeira def. Jared Cannonier via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-26) R3 5:00

Ronaldo Souza vs. Tim Boetsch

Round 1

Souza takes the center of the cage and gives chase as Boetsch circles counterclockwise around the perimeter. Boetsch sprawls on the first takedown attempt from "Jacare," but the Brazilian keeps hold of his opponent and then separates with a right hand over the top. Souza goes to the body with a right hand, then upstairs with a left; Boetsch snipes back with a right hand that backs up the BJJ whiz a few steps. Souza comes charging back to land a takedown at the foot of the fence, now with 2:30 on the clock. Jacare moves to side control on Boetsch's left side, tries to step over to full mount but is blocked by Boetsch's left knee. After a few more tries, Jacare achieves full mount with 1:40 left in the round. Souza straddles his opponent's head and wrenches Boetsch's left arm behind his back, and after a few seconds of struggling, Boetsch is forced to tap out to the kimura.

The Official Result

Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza def. Tim Boetsch via Submission (Kimura) R1 3:41

Anderson Silva vs. Derek Brunson

Round 1

Silva crouches low in the center of the cage, waiting for his fellow southpaw to strike, but neither man looks to be in a rush to engage in the first 90 seconds of the fight. Silva strikes first with a counter right hook when Brunson steps into range, then lands the punch again the next time Brunson tries to come inside. Two minutes in, Silva charges forward with a few punches, but Brunson backpedals away from danger. Brunson clinches up and puts Silva on the fence, though "The Spider" breaks free after a few seconds. Brunson shoots in behind a straight right hand, but Silva sprawls and pulls the Thai clinch. Brunson avoids damage in the clinch, even landing a few punches over the top before Silva releases his head. Brunson lands a pair of hard leg kicks as they enter the final minute of the round. Silva shuts down another Brunson double-leg attempt, grabs the Thai plum again and eats uppercuts from Brunson in the clinch. Silva slips throwing a kick in the final 20 seconds, and Brunson follows him to the floor to finish the round on top.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Brunson
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brunson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 2

Same as round one, the second frame gets off to a slow start, both men circling and looking for countering opportunities. Silva forces Brunson backward with a snappy kick to the midsection, then fires a few punches in the American's direction. Brunson complains of an eye poke but gets no break from referee Yves Lavigne. Nonetheless, Brunson changes levels and completes his first takedown of the bout at the foot of the fence. Silva is back on his feet at the halfway point of the round, but Brunson stays tight and keeps the ex-champ pressed against the wall with an underhook. Brunson lands an uppercut on the break and steps backward with 80 seconds to go in the round. Silva shuts down Brunson's next takedown attempt and lands a few leg kicks as he moves the American around the outside. Silva dances in front of Brunson, allowing him to step back to the middle, where Silva sticks him with a jab. Brunson throws a jab just after the horn, but it glances off Silva's face and doesn't seem to bother "The Spider."

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Silva
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brunson
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Silva

Round 3

Silva sprawls on Brunson's first takedown attempt in round three, and the middleweights move back to the center of the cage to continue their circling. Silva sticks a single jab, backs up Brunson to the fence and gets his head turned by a Brunson right hand. Silva goes for the Thai clinch, and just as in the opening round, Brunson gets the better of the position with a series of hooks and uppercuts. Another uppercut scores for Brunson after they separate, then a right hook. Silva puts a wheel kick on Brunson's leg; the strike may have strayed to the groin, but the middleweights touch gloves and fight on. Brunson runs Silva against the fence, changes levels and floors him with a takedown, now with 90 seconds on the clock. Silva holds Brunson in closed guard, while Brunson peppers the sides of Silva's head with short punches on top. Silva is trying to wrap up Brunson completely, looking for a standup, but Brunson breaks his grip and postures up to continue landing punches. Silva connects with a few elbows from the bottom, but Brunson's volume wins out in the final minute.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Brunson (29-28 Brunson)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Brunson (30-27 Brunson)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Brunson (29-28 Silva)

The Official Result

Anderson Silva def. Derek Brunson via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00

UFC 145-Pound Women's Title Fight:
Holly Holm vs. Germaine de Randamie

Round 1

Referee Todd Anderson will oversee tonight's main event, scheduled for five rounds for the vacant UFC women's featherweight title. De Randamie takes the center of the cage and strikes first with a kick to the body of Holm, who fires off a pair of punches but pulls up short. Holm spends the first 90 seconds circling the outside, stopping to land a kick to the lead leg of de Randamie. "The Iron Lady" lands her first solid punch of the fight with a right hand that crashes into Holm's face. Holm tries to explode forward and gets cut off by de Randamie with a left hook. De Randamie tacks on another right straight-left hook as Holm circles away. Holm steps in too far throwing a kick and gets cracked by de Randamie with a straight right counter. Holm ducks under de Randamie's next right hand and looks for a takedown, but she winds up holding the Dutchwoman on the fence for the final 30 seconds of the round.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 De Randamie

Round 2

Holm opens with a leg kick, takes a body kick in return from de Randamie, and now Holm moves from the center back to circling the perimeter of the cage. Holm tries to step inside and gets pushed back by another cracking straight right to the face. The next time Holm steps inside, it's a short left hook from de Randamie that scores on the counter. Holm pulls up short on a pair of punches and gets zapped by de Randamie's right-handed counter. Holm is mostly landing leg kicks so far in this round, while de Randamie continues to score with hard and accurate punches. Holm steps in to clinch and hugs de Randamie against the fence as they hit the midway point of the round. De Randamie uses underhooks to fend off a double-leg attempt, then spins to put Holm's back against the wall. Several clinch knees score for de Randamie before Holm is able to reverse the position again. Holm digs for a high single-leg takedown, still can't get it, and now de Randamie is able to land more knees to the body. Just before the horn, de Randamie lands a knee to the body and a left hand; after the horn, de Randamie follows through with a heavy right hand that wobbles Holm, though "The Preacher's Daughter" is able to return to her stool under her own power.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 De Randamie

Round 3

Holm resumes her leg-kicking in the opening minute of round three, while de Randamie appears to be taking a bit of a breather after two strong rounds. Despite moving forward, de Randamie isn't offering much in the way of strikes through two minutes of this round. Holm misses on a pair of punches, gets countered by de Randamie's left hand and takes a hard kick to the leg. Holm shoots from a mile out and is easily turned away by de Randamie as they hit the halfway point of the round and possibly the fight. De Randamie sends a right hand down the middle and follows with a slapping kick to the midsection. Holm clinches up and tries a trip takedown, but de Randamie keeps her balance and spins the Jackson-Wink fighter against the fence. Short left hand connects for de Randamie before Holm is able to break out of the clinch. When they separate, Holm is sporting some swelling around her left eye. Holm fires a head kick that knocks de Randamie off balance in the last 10 seconds. De Randamie stands back upright and begins firing punches, then continues firing punches after the bell. Referee Anderson warns de Randamie that the next infraction will cost her a point.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Holm
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Holm

Round 4

Holm digs an underhook and presses de Randamie against the cage about 30 seconds into the first championship round. After more than a minute of slow going in the clinch, referee Anderson steps in and separates the 145ers. De Randamie is throwing fewer combinations now, instead using long jabs and front kicks to keep Holm at arm's length. The southpaw Holm just keeps circling to her left around the edge of the cage. Holm gets twisted around while throwing a leg kick and takes a right hand to the side or possibly back of the head. The American tries again for a takedown, but de Randamie backs up to the fence and widens her base to stay standing. Holm keeps digging for the single-leg until the final minute, when she switches to over-unders and begins kneeing de Randamie's legs. De Randamie thwarts another trip attempt, delivers a hard knee to Holm's midsection, and the fighters separate just before the round ends.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 De Randamie
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-10
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Holm

Round 5

Holm lands a few low kicks in an otherwise uneventful start to the final round. De Randamie gets through with the first power punch, a slugging right hand counter that sends Holm backward a few steps. Ninety seconds in, the featherweights tie up and move to the fence; Holm quickly spins to the outside position where she spent much of round three. Holm is really digging for a single-leg, but de Randamie has been defending well for the entire fight and doesn't look ready to surrender the takedown at this point. Referee Anderson separates the fighters with two minutes on the clock. Holm lands a low kick; de Randamie comes over the top with another good right hand. They go back to the fence, Holm initiating the clinch this time and once again taking the outside position. Not much happening in the tie-up as they enter the final minute, with de Randamie reaching over Holm's back to limit strikes in the clinch. They separate with 15 seconds left and de Randamie connects with a pair of hooks as Holm rushes in to clinch. Referee Anderson isn't taking any chances this time, stepping between the fighters even before the horn sounds.

Sherdog Scores

Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Holm (48-47 De Randamie)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Holm (49-47 De Randamie)
Mike Sloan scores the round 10-9 Holm (48-47 Holm)

The Official Result

Germaine de Randamie def. Holly Holm via Unanimous Decision (48-47, 48-47, 48-47) R5 5:00
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